Der demokratische Emergency Espresso to Go.
In „Coffeebreak gegen Hater & Hetzer“ unterhalten sich Politikberater und Rhetoriktrainer Christian Stahl und eine Co-Moderatorin (n.n) in 10 Folgen à 30 Minuten mit Gästen, die im Alltag schon mit Antidemokrat:innen zu tun hatten, entlarven die Techniken der Hasser:innen und Hetzer:innen und geben uns alltagstaugliche Tricks und Techniken, wie wir Antidemokrat:innen im Büro, am Gartenzaun oder auf der Straße begegnen können.
Zu jeder Folge gibt es einen 3 minütigen „demokratischen Emergency Espresso to Go“. Die Techniken und Tricks werden nach jeder Folge als Download zur Verfügung gestellt. Hörer:innen können Fragen schicken, die während der nächsten Folge beantwortet werden. Ziel ist es, dass jede/r von uns antidemokratischen Parolen begegnen und selbstbewusst streiten kann.
Wird bald veröffentlicht!
Mit freundlicher Förderung von GLS Treuhand e.V.
In a gender-flipped Lebanon where women rule, the investigative short series „Female Republic of Lebanon“ explores the political phenomenon of the new blossoming Female led shooting star Lebanon.
A Ukrainian German reporter team are first journalists to investigate the new power dynamics and societal expectations inside the Female Republic of Lebanon. They collect voices from winners and losers of the new gender order.
We meet a male activist in the woods, who is afraid of еру the feminist government and fights for male rights, we visit the Female Billionaire Club, reveal new scientific studies about capacity of female and male brains, follow the leader of Feminist Party, who argues that men and money never worked in entire history of mankind and we spend a day with a dedicated house man and kitchen king Josef and his teenage son Max, who wishes to be born a girl.
mena and germany
****** APPLY HERE UNTIL JULY 10th ********
What about being first Female President? In Lebanon, Palestine or Jordan?
Or better the youngest president of Germany?
A social change maker? A democratic future leader in your country or region?
Would you like to learn leadership & debate skills from international experts?
And would you love to visit Berlin, meet politicians, CEOs and young future leaders from Germany?
Are you striving for peaceful social change, but lacking the skills and resources to take action?
Then we have the perfect program for you!
Lead & Debate Academy (LDA) trains and empowers around 150 Arab and German young leaders from 4 countries/regions to become future political leaders.
We, the elda, are more than ever convinced that a peaceful future is only possible through empowerment and inclusion of pluralistically inspired young leaders and the strengthening of democratic change in societies.
The participants are young leaders or would be leaders from Lebanon, Jordan, Palestinian territories and young leaders from Germany (age: 18-29) who want to drive democratic change in Middle Eastern societies by engaging democratically. We empower, activate and connect Arab young leaders with like-minded young leaders from Germany.
The program consists of three phases, starting with a digital summer school, then continuing with live trainings in Lebanon, Jordan and Germany and ending with a final networking week in Berlin and a public debate event. The participants will not only learn and enhance their communication and leadership skills but also develop their own digital video formats to further visualize their topics on social media.
“Female Future for Ukraine” is a project that empowers and connects female leaders from Ukrainian civil society, equipping them with leadership skills, communication expertise, and the tools needed to create impactful social projects. After a series of online seminars, the selected finalists presented and refined their projects during a networking week in Berlin.
The program is generously funded by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany and organized by elda, the european leadership and debate academy, along with project partners Support Ukraine Now, OneUkraine, Institute Respublica, and Right to Dignity.

Photos by Daniel Wetzel
In May 2023, elda started the project “Remember the future”.
Remember the future addressed young, committed Lebanese filmmakers to deepen their filmmaking skills and jointly develop, realise and publish the mini-series “remember the future” dealing with a united peaceful future of Lebanon and shared values.
The program consisted of 8 digital workshops and an intensive week in Lebanon with workshops and 48 hours sprints to shoot a mini series under the umbrella of “Remember the Future”.
This project was realized with our partners Beirut Film Society, She dares by Sabine Abi Aad, INJAZ Lebanon, men.tell and Bromwkhdom and with generous funding provided by the German Federal Foreign Office 🙏
The Female Campaigning School teaches women from Palestine and Lebanon who believe in a pluralistic and democratic society and strive for peaceful social change the resources to take action by gaining in-depth knowledge on social campaigning. During the 1 year project they enhance their skills, promote a topic they are passionate about, and contribute to their personal missions and goals.
We will help you spread your message and effectively reach your audience and goals by providing knowledge and tools for campaign management.
The project consists of …
… a series of online classes with experts of communications and social campaigning 🧑🏽💻
… intensive consultation by the elda team 💁🏽♂️💁🏻
… seminars in Ramallah 🇵🇸 and Beirut 🇱🇧
… and the chance to be selected for a final event in Berlin, Germany! ✈
We are proud and excited to work on this project with our partners Palestinian Consultative Staff for Developing NGOs (PCS), She dares by Sabine Abi Aad, INJAZ Lebanon, Factory-x, men.tell and Bromwkhdom.
Generous funding is provided by the German Federal Foreign Office 🙏
Filmmakers meet NGOs addressed young filmmakers and video content creators aswell as NGOs, social activists engaged in civil society believing in a pluralistic and democratic society.
During the program, the participants were provided with the knowledge and tools of storytelling and campaigning, to help them spread their message through film. They were enabled to promote a social issue of their choice by
… a series of online classes with experts from all fields of filmmaking, storytelling and social campaigning 🧑🏽💻
… networking
… building a filmmaker-activist-power-couple or team 🦸🏻♀️🦸🏾♀️
… developing a film concept and producing a short preview film
… receiving intensive consultation and check ups by the elda team along with an easy and structured template for developing the film concept 💁🏽♂️💁🏻
… a 5-day seminar in Beirut 🏖️
… meeting film fund representatives
… presenting the film concept at the award ceremony with the chance to be awarded a cash booster 💰
The program was organised and realised with our partners Sabine Abi Aad @shedaresbysabine, The Beirut Film Society and INJAZ Lebanon @injazlebanon aswell as @men.tell8, @bromwkhdom and Read with Ninette @ninetteabiatallah with generous funding by the German Federal Foreign Office.
Young Women for Politics is an opportunity for Palestinian women to get their voices heard and gain more impact in local politics!
The program was created for socially or politically engaged women from the Palestinian territories, to provide them with the knowledge and tools of Democratic change and pluralism, to enhance the women participation in politics.
“Young Women for Politics” contains …
… a series of online classes and mentoring with experts from the fields of political communication and strategy🧑🏽💻
… a lot of networking
… developing strategies for women’s political participation in Palestine 🦸🏻♀️🦸🏾♀️
… workshops in Ramallah in October 2022 with remote participation from Gaza
… intensive consultation and check ups by the elda team
… a 4-day networking trip to Berlin in January 2023
The project was successfully organized with the valuable help of our Palestinian project partners Palestinian Consultative Staff for Developing NGOs (PCS) and Factory-x.
Young Women for Politics is generously funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.
Participants’ projects (click for more information):
+++ Podcast “War at Home” on Spotify +++
In fall 2022 young Ukrainian journalists, bloggers, storytellers, media professional and students believing that good journalism can make a difference especially in times of war came together for the program Digital Media Lab.
During a series of online classes the participants received online training from experts from different fields of journalism, storytelling, rhetorics, podcasting and social campaigning.
The group agreed to create a the podcast “War at home – Stories about Life and war from Ukraine”, containing stories from Ukraine, developed, recorded and published by the participants together with the German production company Bosepark during a week of seminars in Warsaw, Poland and Uzghorod, Ukraine.
The project was created with our partners Institute Respublica and Right to Dignity and generously funded by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany. Special thanks to our Ukrainian project coordinators Korney Gritsyuk and Philippe Schockweiler.
female talent academy | Germany, Luxembourg and Europe 2023/24
❓Are you from Ukraine living in Germany or could you imagine to live there?
❓Are you an interested in a sustainable job in a well known European company?
❓Are you a talent or young professional in a field like IT, project management, tech sales, education, law, economy or creative business or could you imagine to work in one of those fields?
❓Do you want to improve your female empowerment skills, become an insider in German / EU corporate culture and a female pro in communication and leadership techniques, conflict management and obtain personal coaching for your new career start?
❗️Then we think you are the perfect match for us!
The Female Talent Academy 2023/24 prepares Ukrainian talents for the German and European labor market. The academy recruits, empowers and integrates Ukrainian talents into the participating companies with trainings, online seminars and personal coaching – for their start and onboarding in big European companies.
We are looking forward to hearing from you! Please fill out the form and upload your CV.
For further questions please contact